Disciples' Network

Think Act, Be Like Jesus.

Category: Testimony

Empowering Education: The Disciples Network’s Impactful Support for Underprivileged Children


In countless communities worldwide, there exists a painful reality: many children are unable to attend school due to the lack of basic stationery and essential school items. These young learners miss out on valuable education simply because they lack the necessary supplies, like exercise books and stationery. However, this article shares a heartwarming story of transformation, one that exemplifies the power of compassion and support, all made possible by the Disciples Network.

A Story of Struggle

In many instances, the story unfolds similarly: a child’s dream is hindered because they do not have access to fundamental educational materials. These young minds miss several critical classes due to the absence of items as simple as exercise books and other necessary stationery. The obstacles they face are not just educational; they are emotional and disheartening.

For one child, the situation was especially bleak. Her mother, struggling to make ends meet, could not afford the essential items her child needed to continue her education. The cost of these seemingly basic necessities had left her feeling completely frustrated.

A Turning Point: The Disciples Network

However, this heartbreaking narrative took a remarkable turn when divine guidance led her to the Disciples Network. It was through the boundless compassion and unwavering support of the people associated with this network that the child received the assistance she needed to return to school. The barriers to education were removed, and the child’s dream was reignited.

Glorifying Jesus through Compassion

This uplifting testimony is a testament to the spirit of Jesus and the profound impact that compassion and support can have on young lives. It underscores the pivotal role education plays in dispelling ignorance, opening doors to personal growth, and ultimately eliminating poverty.

Disciples Network’s Commitment

The Disciples Network, through its program wing known as the Disciples Community, has been unwavering in its dedication to designing and vetting programs that effectively support individuals in need, like the child in this inspiring story.

How You Can Make a Difference

If this narrative has touched your heart and you are inspired to support similar groups and initiatives, we encourage you to join us. Your involvement can help change lives and bring hope to those who need it most. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us. You can visit our donation page to make a financial contribution, call us at +255 754 999 198, or send us an email at info@disciplesnetwork.or.tz.

In a world filled with challenges and disparities, the Disciples Network shines as a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of compassion and support. The story of this child’s transformation is a reminder of the immense impact we can have when we come together to uplift those in need. Education, as demonstrated by this story, is a key to empowerment, and the Disciples Network is leading the way to bring this empowerment to those who need it most.


From Struggle to Triumph: Scholastic’s Inspiring Journey with the Disciples Network in Dar es Salaam


In the bustling city of Dar es Salaam, a remarkable woman named Scholastic embarked on a journey of resilience and transformation, demonstrating the profound impact of a community’s love and support. As a single mother facing financial hardship, Scholastic’s story is a testament to the power of faith, friendship, and the compassion of the Disciples Network.

A Glimpse of Scholastic’s Struggles

Scholastic, a single mother living in Dar es Salaam, encountered a disheartening setback in life due to financial difficulties. Her financial woes were so crippling that she found herself in a position where she couldn’t afford her children’s education. The result? Her children were unable to attend school, and the family’s future looked bleak.

In the face of this adversity, Scholastic had to find a way to provide for her family. Her determination led her to sell fruits from a basin on the streets of Dar es Salaam. However, her ultimate goal was to escape this challenging situation and secure a brighter future for her children.

A Beacon of Hope: Paulina’s Friendship

In Scholastic’s darkest hour, a friend named Paulina entered her life. Through the power of prayer, guidance, and unwavering support, Scholastic began to experience a remarkable transformation. It was a turning point that would not only impact her family’s financial situation but also bring joy and hope into their lives.

With Paulina’s help and the blessings of faith, Scholastic’s family began to experience a breakthrough in their finances. Her children received much-needed support for their education, enabling them to continue their studies. One of her children even had the opportunity to attend university, with essential financial support provided for school fees, insurance cards, and even a bicycle, among other necessities.

The Role of the Disciples Network

The Disciples Network played a pivotal role in Scholastic’s journey. Through the Disciples community, her needs were assessed, and valuable business advice was offered. Additionally, the Network provided the capital necessary for her endeavors, paving the way for her economic empowerment.

A Transformed Family

Scholastic’s story is one of profound transformation. Thanks to the collective efforts of those who believed in her, her family’s circumstances have significantly improved. They can now afford meals and medical expenses, bringing a newfound sense of stability and security into their lives.

Most importantly, they have found solace, joy, and the love of Jesus through the members of the Disciples Network in Dar es Salaam. It is a heartwarming testimony of the impact that compassion and faith-driven actions can have on the lives of those in need.

Gratitude and Appreciation

In a special way, Scholastic extends her heartfelt gratitude to the members of the Disciples Network. Their prayers, love, kindness, and unwavering commitment to supporting people in need have been the guiding light in her journey from struggle to triumph.

Scholastic’s story serves as a powerful reminder that when a community comes together to uplift and support its members, remarkable transformations can occur. It showcases the profound impact of love, faith, and compassion in making a brighter future possible, even in the face of the most challenging circumstances. The journey from struggle to triumph is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of community.


A Heartwarming Tale of Compassion: The Disciples Network’s Mission to Touch Lives

In a world often filled with adversity, the Disciples Network has remained steadfast in its commitment to making a difference in the lives of those who need it the most. Through its devoted Disciples Community, the organization has been working tirelessly to support individuals in need, spreading the love of Christ and leaving a profound impact on countless lives. This is a story of one such life-altering journey, that of Amina Mohamed, a Muslim mother faced with an insurmountable challenge, and the unwavering support she received.

Amina’s Struggle

Amina Mohamed found herself in a daunting situation, one that no parent would wish to endure. She had twins, and one of her beloved children was afflicted with a severe heart condition. The emotional burden was immense, but what made the situation even more challenging was her inability to afford the necessary medical expenses. Amina was in desperate need of assistance, and it was in this time of need that the Disciples Network extended a helping hand.

The Disciples Network Steps In

Recognizing the urgency of Amina’s situation, the dedicated team at the Disciples Network’s Disciples Community came together to support her in a time of great need. Their collective effort was channeled into providing Amina with insurance coverage that would help alleviate the financial burden of her child’s medical care. This act of compassion not only touched Amina’s life but also brought hope and relief to her entire family.

Gratitude and Unity

In times like these, it becomes apparent how the power of unity and compassion can transcend religious and cultural boundaries. Amina’s faith, as a devout Muslim, did not deter the love and support she received from a Christian organization. It is a beautiful example of humanity coming together to support one another, a living testament to the universal values of love and kindness.

The Power of Faith and Community

The Disciples Network’s unwavering commitment to supporting those in need is rooted in a profound sense of faith and purpose. As the Bible verse James 1:27 reminds us, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress.” Amina’s story exemplifies the living embodiment of these words.

How You Can Join the Cause

If Amina’s story has touched your heart, and you too want to be part of this mission to support those in need, the Disciples Network welcomes your support. Whether through donations or simply spreading the message, your contribution can make a significant difference in the lives of individuals like Amina.

To get involved, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can visit our donation page to make a financial contribution, call us at +255 754 999 198, or send us an email at info@disciplesnetwork.or.tz. Your support can help change lives and bring hope to those who need it most.

In a world often marked by challenges and uncertainties, the Disciples Network continues to shine as a beacon of hope and compassion, proving that faith and kindness have the power to transcend all boundaries. Amina’s journey is a heartwarming testament to the positive impact that communities can have when they come together to support one another in times of need.


Empowering professions and businesses through faith

Leaders Ministry (LM) is a dynamic community with a profound mission: to guide business and professional individuals in their journey to know Jesus Christ and carry out the Great Commission. Our ultimate goal is to equip those in the marketplace to serve as ambassadors of Christ, providing them with the necessary spiritual tools for personal growth and transformation. We recognize the deep desire within many to lead a purposeful and impactful life, and LM offers practical solutions to help individuals bring the Kingdom of God into both their work and everyday life. Our unwavering commitment is to reach and empower business and professional individuals, enabling them to become effective builders of God’s Kingdom.

Vision for Empowerment and Transformation

Our vision is a world where every business and professional individual within our movement experiences the power of one God, recognizes the value of one person, and leverages the strength of one unified team. This vision is designed to facilitate spiritual reproduction among business people on a global scale. Our teams, spread across the nation, are dedicated to meeting people where they are and helping them become the person God intended them to be. Through our tight-knit community, individuals sharpen one another and foster authentic relationships firmly rooted in the teachings of Christ.

A Focus on Leadership Development

At Disciples Network, we are passionately dedicated to raising leaders who will champion our cause and share in our community’s mission. We’ve recently organized various meetings aimed at nurturing and developing leaders, and our men’s ministry has taken significant steps to unite their efforts and bring our vision to life. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of these individuals has been truly remarkable, and they have warmly embraced our mission.


Prayers for a Brighter Future

We urge you to join us in prayer for the work of the Lord in Tanzania. We firmly believe that God operates through people, and by raising up leaders who are devout and dedicated to the Kingdom’s work, we can address our challenges and work together to build a better future. The power of faith and leadership can be a force for lasting change.

Join Our Community

If you are inspired by our mission and wish to become part of our community, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. You can contact us through our listed email or call us at +255 754 999 198. Your involvement is integral to our collective success in bringing faith and purpose into the lives of business and professional individuals, ultimately advancing God’s Kingdom in the world. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for all.

James 1:27 in Action: Ministry of Compassion and Care

Showing the Love of Christ in Action

In the sacred words of James 1:27, we find the essence of our mission — to extend a helping hand to those in need. At the heart of the Disciples Network lies a fervent commitment to reach out to the less fortunate and offer our support with open hearts.

Answering the Call

As the Bible reminds us, it is our duty to touch the lives of those who require assistance. The Ministry of Compassion is more than just material support to those in need. We offer prayers, care, and various essential items, including clothing, shelter, home equipment, and kitchen essentials.

Extending Our Reach

Our efforts span across the nation, venturing into the remote corners of our beloved country. Places like Singida, Tabora, Bagamoyo, Mwanza, and other remote regions have felt the warmth of our love and support. Through acts of kindness, the Ministry of Compassion demonstrates God’s love, which the Bible teaches is incomplete without care.

A Plea for Your Prayers

We humbly request your continued prayers for our ministry, and the divine love of God to touch the lives of those in various places. These heartfelt prayers are the driving force behind the transformative power of discipleship in action.

Agape: Our Ministry of Compassion

The tireless work of our sister organization, Disciples Community, is instrumental in the execution of our Agape Ministry. This subsidiary entity manages our support and programs designed to address the needs of those within our community and beyond.

Transforming Lives

Our outreach extends to orphans who have received essential services, educational support, and clothing. The ministry’s work is truly transformative, touching the lives of people from all walks of life. Widows, elderly men and women, and devoted servants of God alike have found love and support through the ministry’s programs and services

A Testament to God’s Love

In our Endeavor’s, we aim to be living testimonies to God’s love and compassion. It is our sincerest hope that our actions will serve as a beacon of hope and a reminder that God’s love knows no boundaries.

As we continue to reach out and provide for those in need. We invite you to join us on this path of compassion and discipleship. Your support, prayers, and care can make a profound difference in the lives of those we touch.

Together, we are united by a common goal — to let the love of God shine through us and bring solace to the hearts of those in need. May our shared mission be blessed, and may it continue to transform lives.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Disciples’ Network Team.

Baptism a Joyful Declaration of Faith in Christ.

A day of spiritual transformation

Disciples' Network

We come together to glorify God for the incredible works He has done. We gathered for a Baptism service that left a lasting impact in which a total of 38 souls took the sacred plunge into the waters of Baptism, with 27 in Dar es Salaam and 11 in Mwanza.  It marks the beginning of a Christian walk with Christ.  It is typically followed by ongoing spiritual growth  and living out the principles of love, as  taught by our Lord Jesus Christ. Baptism brings the following to the life of the believer.

Declaration of faith

Christian baptism is the means by which a person makes a public declaration of faith and discipleship. It marks the transition from a seeker to a follower and disciple of Christ. As we read in Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus commissioned us to “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age’’ (NIV).

Identification with Christ


The Bible interprets the immersion in water during baptism is the burial of the old self. It symbolizes the believer’s recognition of their need for forgiveness of sins and their decision to leave behind their former way of life. Rising from the water represents the believer’s identification with Christ’s resurrection, signifying a new life in Him.  Galatians 3:27 says ”For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” (NIV). All of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus. We were baptized into his death. We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.”

Receiving the Holy Spirit through Baptism

Baptism enables you to receive the Holy Spirit. The Jews asked Peter what should we do? Especially after seeing that they were speaking in a new language.  He answered them “Peter said to them, Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, get forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” We also read in Acts 19:1-22, when Paul was in Ephesus, he met several pilgrims and asked them if they were filled with the Holy Spirit. They said that we had never heard of him. He asked them if they had been baptized and they answered Yes, he asked them what baptism they said John’s baptism. Then he baptized them again and when he laid hands on them they were filled with the Holy Spirit.
However, Baptism should not be delayed for a person who has decided to believe in the Lord Jesus. Acts 16: 33 says “At that hour of the night the jailer took them and washed their wounds; then immediately he and all his household were baptized. ‘’ (NIV)

Disciples' Network



Are you one among those who desire to get this gracious chance of being baptized? We invite you to the next baptism expected to be held in November this year. It is a great step in your spiritual journey, a declaration of your faith in Christ, and an act that brings you closer to the transformative power of the Holy Spirit.

Disciple’s Youth Picnic

October 15, 2023: A Day of Faith, Fellowship, and Fun

On October 15, 2023, the Disciple’s Network hosted a Youth Picnic, a day filled with fun activities and spiritual growth. The event, held in the beautiful town of Bagamoyo, drew an impressive turnout of 85 enthusiastic young people, far surpassing the initial goal of 50 attendees.

The day began with engaging Bible study challenges designed to entertain and deepen the participants’ understanding of God’s Word. These challenges served as the foundation for the day’s activities, reflecting the profound wisdom of 2 Timothy 2:15: “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”

Following the enlightening Bible study challenges, the youth eagerly embraced a variety of physical activities, including rope games, football, and swimming. These athletic pursuits were more than just a source of enjoyment; they also played a vital role in building relationships and fostering a deeper understanding among the participants. This sense of unity and camaraderie perfectly mirrored the wisdom of Ecclesiastes 4:12: “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

One of the highlights of the Youth Picnic was the poignant visit to the historic city of Bagamoyo, once a notorious hub for the slave trade. This visit served as a solemn reminder of our redemption from the bondage of sin through the transformative power of Jesus Christ. Romans 6:18 eloquently reaffirms this notion: “You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.”

The historical site visit not only educated the youth about this dark chapter in history but also rekindled their understanding of the hope and redemption found in Christ. It was a humbling experience that deeply resonated with the participants.

The Disciple’s Youth Picnic on October 15, 2023, was a resounding success. The turnout far exceeded expectations, and the day was a harmonious blend of spiritual growth, physical activities, and a thought-provoking historical exploration. This event admirably fulfilled its dual purpose of offering entertainment and spiritual enrichment.

As we reflect on this memorable day, the timeless wisdom of Philippians 4:13 reverberates in our hearts: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Our Youth Picnic stands as a living testament to the strength, unity, and growth that can be achieved through faith and fellowship. We eagerly anticipate organizing more such events to continue inspiring and drawing our youth closer to God and each other.

Our sincere gratitude extends to all the participants, volunteers, and supporters who made this event a reality. May the spirit of togetherness and faith continue to illuminate our path as we journey forward.

Fellowship-friendly Match


Celebrating Unity and Faith: Disciples’ Network and Seed of Faith Teams Unite in Sporting Fellowship

Two Christian Organizations Join Forces to Strengthen Unity and Spread the Gospel

Published on October 17, 2023

In a heartwarming display of unity and faith, the Disciples’ Network and Seed of Faith teams came together on Sunday, September 8, 2023, for a friendly match that left a profound impact on all those involved. The event was inspired by the powerful words of Psalm 133:1, which likened the unity of brothers to the precious oil on Aaron’s head and the dew of Hermon falling on Mount Zion.

Fellowship and Faith in Action

The purpose of this match extended far beyond the boundaries of mere sport. It aimed to foster mutual cooperation and unity, with the shared goal of making disciples of Jesus by spreading the gospel. These gatherings through sports have proven to be instrumental in strengthening unity, promoting love, and nurturing solidarity within the body of Christ. Additionally, they serve as a platform for nurturing positive relationships among Christians from different walks of life.

Unity Through Sports

The match itself was a testament to the power of unity and faith in action. Players from both teams showcased remarkable sportsmanship and camaraderie, reinforcing the belief that unity is at the core of any successful endeavor.

The Disciples’ Network and Seed of Faith teams, coming from different backgrounds, found common ground on the field, where the shared faith and purpose

transcended any differences. This harmonious display of faith through sports left a lasting impact on all who witnessed it.

Upcoming Special Events

This incredible show of unity is just the beginning. The Disciples’ Network and Seed of Faith teams have announced a series of special events to further promote fellowship and faith within the community. These events will include sports, spiritual gatherings, and opportunities for individuals to connect and grow in their faith.

For more information about these upcoming special events and to stay updated on the latest developments, please visit our event page and social media pages

As we celebrate the unity of these two organizations, may it serve as a powerful reminder of the strength that faith and fellowship can bring to our lives and communities.

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