Disciples' Network

Think Act, Be Like Jesus.

Category: Testimony

Disciples Network Thanksgiving Worship Service, Marking Milestones and Celebrating God’s Faithfulness


The Disciples Network, a vibrant community of believers, recently hosted a soul-stirring Thanksgiving worship service on 21 January 2021. This special event, held at the Sunset Flamingo Hall in Mbezi Beach, was a time of reflection, celebration, and gratitude for the blessings and accomplishments experienced by the network over the past year. With a focus on faith and an atmosphere filled with the Holy Spirit, the service left a lasting impact on all who attended.


Accomplishing 21 Days of Opening-Year Fasting Prayer

The Thanksgiving worship service served as a culmination of the

Disciples Network’s 21 days of opening-year fasting prayers. The theme of “walking by faith,” inspired by Habakkuk 2:4b—”The righteous shall live by his faith”—guided the prayers and reflections of the network throughout this period. As believers gathered together to express their gratitude, they acknowledged God’s faithfulness and provision in answering their prayers.

Celebrating Three Years of the Disciples’ Network

Beyond giving thanks for the completion of the fasting period, the service also marked the third anniversary of the establishment of The Disciples’ Network. This milestone celebration brought together members, partners, and supporters who have been an integral part of the network’s journey. It was an opportunity to reflect on the growth, testimonies, and impact made by this community of disciples.

The Power of Praise and Worship

At the heart of the Thanksgiving worship service was the unforgettable praise and worship led by Boaz Danken, a talented Praise and Worship Minister renowned for his ability to connect people with heaven through his music, prayers, and ministrations. As the congregation joined their voices in heartfelt praise, a powerful sense of the Holy Spirit’s presence permeated the hall. Attendees experienced an encounter with God, leaving them deeply moved and inspired.

Gratitude for a Unique Day

Indeed, 21 January 2021 will be remembered as a singular day of thanksgiving and celebration, marked by the manifestation of God’s power and the unity of believers. The Disciples Network recognizes the significance of this occasion and is grateful for the impact it had on the lives of all who participated. With hearts full of thankfulness, the network looks forward to continued growth, impact, and faith-walking this year 2024.

The Thanksgiving worship service hosted by the Disciples Network at Sunset Flamingo Hall in Mbezi Beach was a remarkable event, merging gratitude for the completion of 21 days of opening-year fasting prayers with a celebration of the Disciples’ network’s third anniversary. Led by the talented Praise and Worship Minister, Boaz Danken, the service provided an atmosphere where participants experienced the overwhelming presence of the Holy Spirit. As the Disciples Network expresses their gratitude for this unique day, they eagerly anticipate the future with a steadfast resolve to walk by faith and continue making a difference in the lives of believers and the community at large.


Walking by Faith – A Guiding Light for the Year Ahead

Disciples Network embarked on a transformative journey with their theme, “Walking by Faith,” inspired by the profound words of Habakkuk 2:4b “But the just shall live by his faith.” This guiding scripture set the tone for an extraordinary season filled with fasting prayers, spiritual reflection, and unwavering faith in God’s power.

21 Days of Fasting Prayers: A Spiritual Reset

From January 1 to January 21, 2024, believers from Disciples’ Network joined their hands in a collective effort to seek divine intervention and guidance for the year ahead. The 21 days of fasting and prayers served as a spiritual reset, aligning hearts and minds with the overarching theme of living by faith.

Participants engaged in deep introspection, fervent prayers, and a commitment to draw closer to God. This period of fasting isn’t merely a ritual but a sincere pursuit of a stronger connection with the divine, believing that through faith, the path ahead would be illuminated.

Unleashing the Power of Faith 

As the fasting prayers continue, the Disciples Network remains steadfast in their belief that this season is marked by the extraordinary. The power of faith, as exemplified in Habakkuk 2:4b, serves as a beacon guiding believers through the unknown territories of the new year.

Expectations run high as the Disciples Network anticipates marvelous healings and deliverances. The faith-fueled prayers are believed to have opened economic gates, leading to prosperity and abundance. Jobs and promotions are anticipated, educational opportunities are expected to unfold, and new avenues for spiritual ministries are foreseen.

Revival and Transformation:

At the core of this season is also the belief in the kindling of a revival fire. The Disciples Network envisions a revival that will not only transform individual lives but also ignite a collective flame that will spread across communities and nations. The fervent prayers and acts of faith are seen as catalysts for a spiritual awakening, ushering in a renewed zeal for divine connection and purpose.

A Season of Miracles: What to Expect

The Disciples Network encourages its members to embrace the unfolding season with anticipation and a heart full of faith. Miracles are not just hoped for but expected. The power of walking by faith has the potential to transcend the ordinary and manifest the extraordinary.

As believers lean into the promises of Habakkuk 2:4b, just living by faith becomes more than a mantra; it becomes a lived experience. The journey ahead may be unknown, but with faith as the guiding light, the Disciples Network is poised to witness a season of divine interventions and blessings.

Walking by Faith into the Unknown

The Disciples Network’s 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer has set the stage for a remarkable season of 2024. With the guiding theme of “Walking by Faith,” participants are not just stepping into the unknown but striding confidently, believing that the just shall live by their faith. As the days unfold, the Disciples Network remains unwavering in their conviction that this season will be marked by miracles, blessings, and divine favor. May the journey of faith continue to illuminate the path for all those who dare to walk with unwavering trust in the Almighty.


Wedding Ceremony: Celebrating the Holy Union of Clauds and Flora

Disciples' Network
Disciples’ Network

With hearts brimming with immeasurable joy, we lift our voices in praise and gratitude to the Almighty God for the glorious wedding ceremony of our beloved members, Clauds and Flora. This sacred union took place in the enchanting city of Arusha on the blissful Saturday of December 16, 2023, marking a momentous occasion in the history of the Disciples Network.

A Union Blessed by God:

Disciples' Network
Disciples’ Network

Drawinginspiration from the words of Matthew 19:4-6, which declare, “He who created them from the beginning made them male and female… So they are no longer two but one flesh,” the wedding ceremony beautifully echoed the biblical teachings. In the presence of family, friends, and the divine, Clauds and Flora became united as one, affirming their commitment to journey through life together.

The Celebration of Love

Disciples' Network
Disciples’ Network

The wedding ceremony was a celebration of love, commitment, and the divine covenant that binds two souls together. Amidst the beautiful backdrop of Arusha, the couple exchanged vows, symbolizing their dedication to supporting and cherishing each other in the journey ahead. The atmosphere was filled with love, laughter, and the joyous melodies of celebration, creating memories that will be cherished for a lifetime.

A Blessing for the Future:

As we rejoice in the union of  Clauds and Flora,, we also extend our prayers and blessings for their future together. May their marriage be a testament to the enduring power of love and the divine guidance that accompanies those who seek to build their lives on the foundation of faith.

The wedding of Clauds and Flora is not just a celebration of their love but also a significant milestone for the Disciples Network. In the spirit of unity and fellowship, we thank God for this joyous occasion and look forward to many more weddings that will strengthen the bonds of love and community within our organization. May the newlyweds be blessed abundantly as they embark on this beautiful journey of marital bliss, guided by the everlasting love of our Almighty God.



Transformative Power of Baptism: A Recap of the 2023 Baptism Services

Disciples' Network

Shalom! As we reflect on the year 2023, we stand in awe of the miraculous transformations that have unfolded through the nine baptism services held across Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, and Arusha regions. A total of 170 individuals took a profound step in their spiritual journey, experiencing the forgiveness of sins and receiving the Holy Spirit through baptism in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:28).

The Baptism Experience

Each baptism service was not merely a symbolic ritual, but a profound encounter with the divine.

Disciples' Network

Accompanied by intensive baptism teaching classes and the sharing of the holy communion, these services provided a platform for believers to reaffirm their commitment to Christ. Romans 6:4 reminds us that through baptism, individuals are buried and resurrected with Christ, symbolizing a renewal of life.

Signs and Wonders

The impact of these baptisms extended beyond the spiritual realm, manifesting in signs and wonders that glorified the Lord Jesus. Many participants witnessed healing, deliverance, and renewal as they embraced the transformative power of baptism. The testimonies are a testament to the divine intervention that occurred, showcasing the limitless love and compassion of our Savior.

A Testimony of Healing

One remarkable testimony emerged from the baptism held on July 16, 2023, where a woman had carried the heavy burden of bitterness for over a decade due to harsh treatment from her husband. This deep-rooted bitterness had not only taken a toll on her mental and emotional well-being but had also adversely affected her daughter, exposing her to dark forces.

Desiring death as the only escape from her suffering, the woman found herself trapped in a cycle of despair. However, the baptism became a catalyst for profound change in her life. As she emerged from the waters, a divine transformation unfolded. The bitterness that had gripped her heart for years was replaced by peace, love, and joy.

Furthermore, the healing power of baptism extended to her daughter, breaking the chains of darkness that had plagued their family. Together, they began to experience the tangible presence of God’s blessings, ushering in a new chapter of hope and restoration.

The year 2023 stands as a testament to the incredible impact of baptism on the lives of believers. Through these sacred ceremonies, individuals have not only received the forgiveness of sins and the Holy Spirit but have also encountered the transformative power of Christ, leading to healing, deliverance, and renewal. As we celebrate these testimonies, let us continue to glorify the Lord Jesus and anticipate the continued manifestation of His signs and wonders in the lives of those who choose to follow Him.

Beyond Words: How Love Serves as a greatest tool for effective Evangelism


In a powerful demonstration of faith and commitment, a group of youth recently participated in a transformative learning session on evangelism. Armed with diverse tools and guided by a central theme — love — these enthusiastic individuals were equipped with the skills and knowledge to spread the message of hope on the streets. They emphasized that love, both for God and people, serves as the greatest tool for effective evangelism. For the Bible says in the Book of Mark 12:30 -31 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this; love your neighbour as yourself, there is no commandment greater than these.”

Love as the Central Theme


The moderator emphasized that genuine love creates a bridge that transcends differences, opening hearts to the transformative message being shared. The idea was not only to communicate the principles of faith but to embody them through acts of kindness, compassion, and understanding. The youth were encouraged to view every individual they encountered as a person deserving of love and respect, regardless of their background, beliefs, or circumstances.

Taking it to the Streets

A group of youth were sent to the streets, armed not only with too much resources but, more


importantly, with hearts filled with love. Their mission was not merely to disseminate information but to connect with people on a personal level, demonstrating the love they had been taught. Street evangelism became an avenue for the youth to practice what they had learned, engaging with passers by, offering words of encouragement, and sharing the transformative message of faith. The emphasis on love as a tool during these encounters allowed the youth to break down barriers and build bridges of understanding within the people on the street.

Impact and Reflection

The impact of this youth-focused street evangelism was evident not only in the external responses from those on the streets but also in the internal transformations experienced by the participants. Many youth shared stories of meaningful connections, instances where a simple act of love had opened doors to conversations about faith and spirituality.

Reflecting on their experiences, the youth acknowledged that the emphasis on love had not only made their evangelistic efforts more impactful but had also deepened their personal understanding of the profound connection between faith and love.

Unity and trust


As they were moving on streets together for evangelism, the youth encountered situations that demanded resilience, adaptability, and cooperation. These shared challenges became opportunities for the group to rely on each other, building a foundation of trust and camaraderie that strengthened with every door knocked and every prayer offered. The sense of unity among the youth was not only evident during their evangelistic activities but also permeated into their daily lives. They became a support system for one another, offering encouragement, sharing personal insights, praying for each other and celebrating both individual and collective achievements.

A Divine Celebration: 40 Lives Touched by the Holy Spirit in Tanzania

Introduction: In the heart of Tanzania, something truly beautiful has unfolded—a spiritual journey marked by the warmth of human hearts and the touch of the Holy Spirit. At the heart of this celebration is Disciples Network Tanzania, where 40 souls recently took a plunge into the waters of baptism, each one embraced by the transformative love of the Holy Spirit. This is a tale of faith, community, and the boundless grace of our Savior.

The Divine Whisper: It all began with a gentle whisper in the hearts of the faithful—a call to share the love of Jesus and make disciples of all nations. Disciples Network Tanzania responded to this divine call with open hearts, creating a space where weary souls could find solace and encounter the loving presence of God. The result? Forty hearts answered the call, finding redemption, forgiveness, and the promise of eternal life.

The Sacred Waters of Baptism: Baptism, a sacred act, symbolizes a fre

sh start—a cleansing of sins and a rebirth into a life intertwined with Christ. As these 40 individuals entered the waters, it was a tangible declaration of their faith and a willingness to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. The act of baptism not only marked a personal commitment to God but also a deep connection with fellow believers, forming a bond as brothers and sisters in Christ.

The Holy Spirit’s Embrace: As the waters embraced these new disciples, so did the Holy Spirit. The joy radiating from their faces reflected the divine presence within. Acts 2:38 came to life as the Holy Spirit descended, filling hearts with a newfound peace and a burning passion for the journey ahead. It was a moment of divine connection, leaving an indelible mark on each soul.

A Community United: Beyond the individual transformations, the community surrounding Disciples Network Tanzania witnessed a profound testimony. The impact of these baptisms rippled through the community, fostering a sense of joy, unity, and a shared commitment to living out the teachings of Jesus. In these celebrations, a community was not just witnessing but actively participating in the miraculous work of God.

Walking Forward in Faith: As these 40 freshly baptized souls embark on their faith journey, Disciples Network Tanzania remains a guiding light. Baptism is not the end; it’s a new beginning—a commencement of a life filled with purpose, divine guidance, and an unwavering pursuit of a deeper relationship with God. The community stands ready to nurture and disciple, offering a supportive embrace to every step taken in faith.

Conclusion: In the heart of Tanzania, Disciples Network stands as a testament to the transformative power of God’s love. The baptism of 40 lives is not just a celebration of faith; it’s a living testament to the grace that knows no bounds. As we rejoice in this divine celebration, let it inspire us to share the love of Jesus in our own communities, knowing that every act of love and compassion is a reflection of the boundless love our Savior has for each and every one of us.

Harnessing the Power of Digital Tools For Ministry Outreach

Disciples' Network

In an era where technology has permeated every aspect of life. Its crucial for ministries to adapt and utilize the digital space effectively to spread their message and reach a wider audience. Recognizing the importance of digital evangelism and discipleship, Disciples’ Network embarked on a visitation to Jamii Forums, to engage in a meaningful discussion on how to leverage digital platforms for ministry work.

The visitation commenced with a warm welcome from Jamii Forums, who expressed the appreciation for Disciple’s Network initiative and acknowledged the potential of digital media to amplify the reach of their ministry.

Throughout the visitation, Jamii Forums emphasized the importance of staying up-to-date with the late

Disciples' Network

st digital trends and adapting their strategies accordingly. By embracing innovation and exploring new technologies, this could ensure that the ministry remained relevant and engaged in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

The visitation concluded with a renewed sense of collaboration and a commitment to leveraging the power of digital space. Disciples’ Network expressed their gratitude to Jamii Forums for their willingness to engage in this insightful discussion.

A Christ-Centered Journey: Disciples’ Network Women’s Charitable Visit to Permanent Glory Home Orphanage Center.



In a remarkable display of faith and compassion, the Disciples’ Network Women embarked on a charitable visitation to the Permanent Glory Home Orphanage Center. After 30 days of fasting, these dedicated women were inspired by Christ’s discipleship to extend their love and care to the orphaned children in need. Their journey reflects their commitment to the teachings of Christ, and the impact of their generosity on the orphans who received the basic necessities they required.

The Call to Discipleship

Discipleship in the Christian faith involves following the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, who was known for His love, compassion, and selflessness. The Disciples’ Network Women took this calling to heart, recognizing the need to reach out to those who are less fortunate, much like Christ did during His earthly ministry.

A thirty days of fasting and Prayer in alignment to the Christ’s Mission

The journey began with a 30-day period of fasting and prayer. This spiritual preparation was not


only a way for the women to draw closer to God but also to align their hearts with His mission of compassion and service. Their fast was dedicated to their own children’s well-being, and they prayed for guidance on how best to extend this love to others.

The Bagamoyo Orphanage

Bagamoyo Mlandizi, a small town in Tanzania, is home to the Permanent Glory Orphanage Center, which provides shelter and care to children who have lost their families or have been abandoned. The orphanage faces numerous challenges in meeting the basic needs of these children, including food, clothing, and education. The Disciples’ Network Women recognized this as an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these young souls.

A charity to the Christ


After their month of fasting and prayer, the women made their way to Permanent Glory Orphanage, carrying bags of essential supplies. They brought food, clothing, educational materials, and personal care items to distribute among the children. The joy in the children’s eyes as they received these gifts was immeasurable, and it was a reminder of Christ’s message that “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40).

Spreading Christ’s Love

The Disciples’ Network Women didn’t stop at providing physical necessities. They spent time with the children, offering emotional support, mentorship, and love. Through storytelling and prayer, they shared the message of Christ’s love and hope, aiming to be a beacon of light in the lives of these young ones.

A Deeper connection to the faith and renewability of hope

The visitation had a profound impact on both the Disciples’ Network Women and the children at the orphanage. The women found a deeper connection to their faith and their purpose as disciples of Christ. Meanwhile, the children at Permanent Glory Orphanage Center felt a renewed sense of hope, knowing that they were not forgotten and that there were people who genuinely cared for them. The Disciples’ Network Women’s charitable visitation to the Orphanage stands as a testament to Christ’s discipleship in action. Their 30 days of fasting and prayer culminated in a selfless act of love and generosity, echoing the teachings of Christ. In their efforts to provide for the basic needs of the orphans and to share the message of love and hope, they exemplified the spirit of true discipleship. Their journey serves as an inspiration to all who seek to follow in Christ’s footsteps and make a positive impact on the world.


Showing Kindness To Christ Through Hospitality


Discipleship: Winning Souls for Christ

Disciples' Network

The Disciples’ Network’s visit to Ocean Road Hospital in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on October 29, 2023 was a testament to the power of hospitality and compassion. With a team of 10 people, the Disciples Network showed mercy and caring to the sick and ill patients, bringing them comfort and hope. In addition to providing material support. They also prayed for the patients and offered them words of encouragement. This is a crucial aspect of hospitality, as it shows that they met patients’ physical needs, but also their emotional and spiritual needs. Patient’s their at ocean Road they felt so loved and valued.  We can all show hospitality to the sick and needy in our own unique way. No matter how small the act, it can make a big difference in someone’s life.

Looking After Christ

When we open our homes and hearts to others, we are showing them the love of Christ. This can be a powerful invitation to those who are new to faith or who are struggling in their walk with God. When we show kindness to others through hospitality, we are not only ministering to them, but we are also ministering to Christ. Jesus said, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.  I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me” Matthew 25:35-36 (NIV). Jesus identifies with the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick, and the prisoner. When we show kindness to these people, we are showing kindness to Christ himself.

Reflecting Discipleship

Hospitality is a way of showing love of Christ. We should put our heart focused on people. This means that we are called to love and serve others, especially those who are in need.  When we welcome others into our homes and hearts, we are showing them the love of Christ. Jesus’ heart was focused on the people. He spent his time with the

Disciples' Network

poor and the sick.  He showed them compassion and mercy. He healed their bodies and their spirits. He taught them about the love of God. As disciples of Christ, we are called to follow his example. This means that we should also focus our hearts on the people. We should show them compassion and serve them in love.

The Disciples’ Network puts discipleship into action by focusing on the people through caring, showing love and mercy, especially to those in need. They do this by visiting prisoners, orphans, elders and disabled people. Visiting people in need is a way of showing them the love of Jesus. It is also a way of winning their souls. When we show people the love of Christ, they are more likely to be open to hearing the gospel message.

Our expectations in this Month

November is a special month for the Disciples Network, as it is our month of Discipleship and evangelism. During this month, we focus on sharing the love of Christ by visiting prisons, orphanages, and other center’s where people in need are located. We believe that evangelism is not just about sharing information about Jesus Christ. It is also about showing His love to others in practical ways. When we meet the needs of others and share the love of Christ with them, we are reflecting the image of God.

If you are inspired by our mission and wish to become part of our community, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. You can contact us through our listed email or call us at +255 754 999 198.



Nurturing Faith in the Hearts of Children: The Disciples Network Children’s Ministry

At Disciples Network, we recognize the profound influence that early exposure to faith and spirituality can exert on a child’s life. Our Children’s Ministry serves as a dedicated sanctuary where we sow the seeds of discipleship, imparting the teachings of Christ and instilling strong moral values that will guide them through life.

Cultivating Young Disciples

Our Children’s Ministry has experienced remarkable growth, with over 30 enthusiastic children actively participating, and this number continues to rise. We firmly uphold the wisdom of Proverbs 22:6, which advises, “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.”

A Holistic Educational Approach

In our mission to nurture young disciples, we employ a dynamic teaching framework designed to engage and educate. This comprehensive approach includes various elements:

  • Harmony through Music: Music is a potent means to connect with young hearts, teaching them the joy of worship and praise.
  • Lessons and Real-Life Examples: We provide structured lessons that incorporate real-life situations, enabling children to comprehend and apply Christian principles in their daily lives.
  • Multimedia Enrichment: We utilize multimedia resources, including movies and interactive content, to breathe life into biblical stories and make them relatable.
  • Playful Learning: Incorporating fun activities and games ensures that children enjoy a memorable learning experience.
  • Dramatic Expression: Drama allows children to enact biblical narratives, deepening their understanding and connection to the characters and lessons.
  • Encouraging Reflection: Assigning tasks and projects encourages children to reflect on and apply what they’ve learned.

Exploring Valuable Life Lessons

Our Children’s Ministry continually explores various life lessons to equip young disciples with the knowledge and values they need. This October, we are focusing on the powerful concept of forgiveness throughout the entire month, marking our fourth season of teaching.

Age-Appropriate Groups

Understanding the unique needs and developmental stages of children, we thoughtfully organize our classes into three distinct age groups: the very young, the middle-aged, and the older children. This ensures that our content and teaching methods are tailored to meet the specific requirements and interests of each group.

A Thrilling Digital Frontier

As we turn our gaze toward the digital world, we are actively exploring ways to enhance our teaching methods and extend our reach to a broader audience. Our aim is to offer a rich and immersive digital experience that not only educates but also inspires our young disciples on their faith journey.

If you have a child and wish for them to flourish in discipleship and develop a deeper understanding of Jesus, please do not hesitate to contact our Children’s Ministry leaders and enroll them in our classes. Additionally, if you are interested in supporting the transformation of children’s lives in Tanzania, we invite you to join us. You can reach us at +255 754 999 198 or via email at info@disciplesnetwork.or.tz.

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