Disciples' Network

Think Act, Be Like Jesus.

Category: Testimony


We had 21-days fasting prayers called  Daniel Fasting Plus, based on the rules from the Book of Daniel in the Bible. This modified fast involves fasting all day and eating only permitted foods in the evening, which is why it’s called Daniel Fast Plus.

The main goal of this fast and prayer was to restore our relationship with God, gain revelations, wisdom, and knowledge about where we are in life (both spiritually and physically), and receive answers to prayers or divine promises.

            “At that time I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks”. Daniel 10:2

These prayers focused on a person’s relationship with God, especially considering the prophetic time when Israel was in exile in Babylon due to their disobedience to God’s commands.

We praise Lord Jesus for revealing Himself in people’s lives through the great and miraculous deeds he has done during the Daniel Fast Plus. Many have been freed from various bondage, and here are just a few testimonies such as;

  • People getting jobs and starting businesses
  • Restoration of peace in marriages
  • Healing
  • Promotion
  • Deliverance from dark forces
  • Freedom from debt bondage
  • Being filled with the Holy Spirit
  • Recognizing gifts, talents, and ministries
  • Receiving educational sponsorship
  • Women have conceived after so many years
  • Ability to fast and pray to people who had never fast
  • Family peace restored and strengthening of relationships.

We had a thanksgiving services for fellowships in Dar es Salaam, Mbeya, Mwanza, Arusha, and Dodoma. These services were a way to thank God for everything he did during the fasting period and for helping us dedicate ourselves to fasting and praying. The services included worship, testimonies, prayers, and offerings to thank God.

We also had small gatherings in Tabora, Kigoma, Mtwara, and Bukoba, where people came together to thank God.

May you be greatly blessed for your fasting and prayers. God has seen and accepted your offering, and we pray that He answers all your requests in Jesus’ name.

Many testimonies are shared in our WhatsApp groups. To connect with us, please reach out at 0765 023668.




Seven -Days Prayer and Fasting: Financial Revival

By the grace of God, we had seven-day prayer and fasting for revival in our finances. The prayers were a deep and powerful time of seeking divine intervention regarding our financial.

A Revelation of Prosperity

During our prayer time, Lord told us through His servants who shared a message that prosperity is not just a blessing but part of our spiritual inheritance and it helps helps us fulfil our mission by supporting and advancing the work of God.

During prayer, we focused on the powerful truth that Jesus, though rich in His heavenly glory, became poor so that we could be blessed and enriched. His sacrifice wasn’t just about spiritual wealth but also about providing for our material needs to honour his name and advance his kingdom on earth. This deep understanding helped us see prosperity differently—not as something for ourselves alone, but as a way to serve a greater purpose.

Throughout our prayers, we confronted and rebuked various spirits that hindered our financial progress. These included the spirit of delay, which often hold back timely opportunities; stagnation, which keeps us from moving forward; laziness, which undermines our efforts; and debts, which create a financial burden. We had fervent prayers towards breaking these chains and inviting financial freedom into our lives.

Testimonies of Divine Intervention

We are deeply grateful as we think about how God has worked during and after prayers. The testimonies we’ve seen show how powerful and faithfully God is for his people. These testimonies are not just about material gain but also about a renewed sense of purpose and direction in managing and using financial resources for the greater good.

Discipleship Training: Answering the Call of the Great Commission

Following Jesus’ command in Matthew 28:19-20, there were special training sessions on June for believers in Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Mbeya, Morogoro, Dodoma and Bagamoyo. Discipleship trainings were held to equip believers with the tools and understanding necessary to fulllfill the Great Commission, the role of Holy Spirit and how to disciple those who were reached.

Participants were reminded that their calling goes beyond attending church services and worshiping God each Sunday. They are also called to share the message of Jesus Christ. This mission isn’t just for church leaders but for every believer. The church’s main focus should be on reaching out and bringing people to Christ.

Disciples' NetworkMathew 28:19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations [help the people to learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey My words], baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you; and I am with you always [remaining with you perpetually—regardless of circumstance, and on every occasion], even to the end of the age.”

This scripture tells us to share the message of Jesus, baptize new believers, and teach them about Him so that they should go and do the same to others.

Across these five regions where trainings were conducted, 230 individuals responded eagerly to the call to deepen their understanding of evangelism and discipleship. The training sessions were designed to impart practical knowledge and strategic insights on effective evangelism. Participants were told to care before sharing and then build them to foster spiritual maturity.

Disciples' NetworkCare: Participants were told the importance of caring others and develop relationships rooted in love as Jesus Christ who cared deeply for the people he encountered.

Share: Following caring, participants learned on how to share their faith in a respectful and engaging manner without condemning and being judgemental.

Build: Attendees were equipped with practical tools to disciple others and foster spiritual maturity

Integral to the training was also a profound teaching of the role of the HolyDisciples' Network Spirit in fulfilling the great commission. Participants learned advantages of being filled with the Holy spirit, not to quench the Holy Spirit, how to work with Holy Spirit through his gifts of the word of wisdom, knowledge and discerning of the Spirit.

During the trainings, participants went out into the streets to practice sharing the message of Jesus. They went door-to-door and spoke to people on the streets. They also learned how to pray for the sick and those in need.

Disciples' NetworkWe are grateful for the testimonies from participants who reported receiving new insights and wisdom. They also gained confidence in carrying out the Great Commission.

The Great Commission is all about spreading the message of Jesus Christ. To do this well participant were told they need the help of Holy Spirit and his gifts. When believers work together with the Holy Spirit, they can better handle the challenges of ministry, walk in miracles, signs, wonders and see how the message of Jesus changes hearts and lives around them.

Are you passionate about reaching others and make them disciples of Jesus Christ? Please be attentive to the continuation of our fellowship updates. Follow our social media platforms so that you can be informed about our discipleship trainings.

Please call this number (0765 023 668) for more information.

Deepening Our Relationship with the Holy Spirit: Lessons from Ezekiel 47:1-12

As we meditated on Ezekiel’s vision of the river flowing from the temple, we grasped the significance of allowing the Holy Spirit to flow in our lives. Just as the river brought life and abundance wherever it went, so too does the Spirit in our lives as it is written in Psalms 1:3 “ That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither whatever they do prospers”. When  we’re filled with the Holy Spirit, it shows in how we live. 

As the man went eastward with a measuring line in his hand, he measured off a thousand cubits and then led me through water that was ankle-deep.  He measured off another thousand cubits and led me through water that was knee-deep. He measured off another thousand and led me through water that was up to the waist.  He measured off another thousand, but now it was a river that I could not cross, because the water had risen and was deep enough to swim in—a river that no one could cross.  He asked me, “Son of man, do you see this?” Ezekiel 47:3-6

Throughout our time of fasting and prayer, the message echoed clear: to be filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit. This filling isn’t merely a one-time event but a continual process—a constant renewal and replenishment of our spiritual life. It’s from this overflow that we derive the strength, wisdom, and passion to carry out the work entrusted to us by the Lord.

Living a life of holiness becomes a natural outflow of this deep connection. People who are filled with the Holy Spirit  are devoted to immersing themselves in God’s Word and meditation, finding direction through its teachings. Moreover, their prayer life reflects earnestness, as they seek guidance, strength, and intimacy with the Holy Spirit.

This time of fasting helped us understand that having a strong relationship with the Holy Spirit is like having a superpower for living a good and meaningful life. It helps us to bear fruits, live the holy life, and devote ourselves in the word and prayer.  

Kijiwe cha Vijana (Single Brothers)

Building on the momentum of their recent gathering, the brothers have committed to maintaining regular connections by establishing weekly sessions every Sunday. These sessions will serve as a forum for continued dialogue, support, and encouragement, ensuring that the bonds forged during the gathering remain strong and vibrant.

To make sure everyone stays connected and engaged, the brothers have also appointed facilitators within their WhatsApp groups to facilitate discussions, share resources, and coordinate activities. These facilitators will play a vital role in fostering engagement and ensuring that all members feel heard and supported within the group.

In addition to regular meetings, the brothers have also taken steps to prioritize spiritual growth and connection. They have pledged to prepare prayer programs specifically tailored to the needs and challenges faced by single brothers.

Beyond their individual journeys, the brothers are also committed to making a positive impact in their communities. They have agreed to organize and participate in community activities aimed at serving others and spreading kindness and compassion. 

In conclusion, the invitation extended by single brothers to join their WhatsApp groups for learning, prayer updates and other programs. 

Please call this number (0765 023 668) to be added to the groups.

Transformative Fasting: Disciples’ Network Singles Seek Freedom from Individual and Family Patterns

Singles in the Wait from Disciples Network had three days of fasting and praying from Thursday 11 April to Saturday 13 April 2024. The prayers focused on asking for God’s intervention to transform the singles from the negative behaviors developed from family patterns. By the grace of God, about 28 single ladies and 16 single brothers attended the prayers.

Many of us have seen how certain patterns in our families can hold us back from reaching our full potential. These patterns, passed down through generations, can sometimes act like roadblocks, stopping us from living our best lives. As singles, waiting for the right time to start families of our own, we’ve decided to take action. We believe prayer is a powerful tool that can help us break free from these patterns, not just for ourselves but for the generations that will come after us.

These family patterns have influenced bad attitudes and behaviors in our lives that hinder the blessings in dimensions of physical and spiritual growth. Reflecting Romans 12:2 which says “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (KJV), the singles have realized that they need God’s help to be transformed from the hindrance behaviors. As the Singles engaged in the prayers, the presence of the Holy Spirit dominated the atmosphere, which drove passionate singles to pray incessantly for their transformation and deliverance from family patterns

Impact of the Journey

The prayers have brought the power of transformation to singles. The signs of impact manifested in the spirit through visions, signs, and dreams. Huge testimonies have started to be given out and the fire of revival has been kindled among the singles.

An invite to join the journey of transformation

Are you passionate about God’s intervention to transform your life? Please be attentive to the continuation of our fellowship prayers updates. Disciples Network Singles in the Wait kindly invites you to join their Whatsapp and Telegram groups for Learning and Prayer Updates. In these groups, you’ll have the opportunity to explore a wide range of topics, experiences from  others spiritual insights, and everything in between. The topics shared cover all  aspects of the lives of singles.

Please call this number (0765 023 668) to be added to the groups.

Shaping Futures: Two-Days Children’s Camp held at Boko Tafes

Disciples’ Network hosted a transformative children’s camp from April 28th to April 30th, 2024. With a total of 112 children who had met at Boko TAFES.

The essence of the camp was not just about providing a recreational getaway, but rather initiating a profound journey of self-awareness and empowerment. Throughout the two-day event, children were immersed in lessons that aimed to instill values of forgiveness, spiritual purity, and personal hygiene essential pillars for navigating their teenage and adolescent years.

Disciples Network holds a steadfast belief in shaping the future generation for the betterment of families and communities. The ministry attempts to shape children according to Godly ethical standards and this commitment is underscored by the wisdom of Proverb 22:6, which states, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”

The camp served as a platform where children not only learned but also experienced the transformative power of these teachings firsthand. Through interactive sessions, workshops, and group activities, they were encouraged to reflect on their actions, embrace forgiveness, and aspire toward spiritual purity.

Moreover, the emphasis on personal hygiene underscored the importance of physical well-being by cleaning their body everyday, washing their hands with soap and water after going to the toilet, brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day. This laid the foundation for a healthy lifestyle as they transition into adolescence and adulthood. 

We are expecting to have another children’s camp, keep intact with our platforms to see the announcements.

A Graceful Gathering: Singles in The Wait Book Review “Whispering Hope”

book reviewOn a very amazing Sunday of 7th April 2024, by the grace of God Disciples Network Single ladies in the wait met together at Hekima Garden to review a novel titled “Whispering Hope”. Disciples Network Singles in the wait purposely prepares the singles who wait for marriage to be virtous, ready and get the right spouses. Building for them spiritual capacity and intimate relationship with GOD. Gathering singles together to share and impart knowledge, connecting to various opportunities, and building each other physically, mentally, and spiritually. The last Sunday gathering joined together the singles to learn multiple issues about marriage and relationships from the “whispering hope” novel.

About the Novel “Whispering Hope”

A very powerful discussion was conducted to interpret the novel’s contents and everyone was able to participate fully through contributing the points. Whispering Hope portrays the greatness and power of incessant prayers to work on solving problems of family pattern and individual pattern problems from past relationships that result in serious marriage problems such as divorce. Youth learned that incessant prayer can change situations.

Resolution after the discussion

After the discussion, the Singles realized that they needed to analyze themselves for their family and individual  patterns and engage in praying incessantly asking God to intervene. They resolved that they would start with prayers dealing with the behaviors influenced by family patterns.

It was declared that from Thursday,11th April 2024 to Saturday 13th April 2024 will be fasting prayers dealing with the behaviors influenced by family patterns.

Join Us in Transformation

The Disciples Network extends a warm invitation to single men and women to participate in the fasting and prayer session for the three days from 11th April 2024 to 13 April 2024 aimed at facilitating personal transformation. These prayers will be conducted at the Disciples’ Network Fellowship Center in Mbezi Beach, Dar es Salaam, and will be  live on YouTube, Facebook and Online Radio. Your presence and participation are highly valued as we embark on this transformative journey together.

Recap of the Saturday Service at Disciples’ Network, Mbezi Beach: Getting out of Drought season (1 Kings 18:41-45)

In the realm of faith, some moments transcend the ordinary and usher in the extraordinary. Such was the case during the Saturday worship service held by Disciples Network Mbezi Beach Dar es Salaam on April 6, 2024. Overflowing with the presence of the Holy Spirit, attendees experienced a divine encounter that left an indelible mark on their hearts and lives.

Praise and Worship

The worship service commenced with praise and worship, setting the stage for what would be an extraordinary gathering. As voices lifted in adoration, the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit permeated the atmosphere, igniting hearts and souls with fervent devotion. (more…)

Strengthening Marriages and Families Through Prayer and Fasting

In a world where marriages are increasingly facing challenges and families are crumbling under the weight of various issues, the importance of seeking divine intervention cannot be overstated. Recognizing this pressing need, the Disciples’ Network embarked on a transformative journey of three days of fasting and prayers dedicated to marriages, families, and relationships.

Commencing from February 12th to February 14th, 2024, this sacred endeavor aimed to address the root causes of societal ills by focusing on the cornerstone of communities and nations: the institution of marriage. It is a widely held belief that the health of marriage directly impacts the well-being of families, which in turn reverberates throughout society. Therefore, the initiative sought to invoke God’s healing and deliverance upon marriages and families, understanding that their restoration would bring broader society transformation.

Ephesians 5:22-29, which illuminates the symbiotic relationship between Christ and his church, the ministry advocates for marriages founded on genuine love, mutual respect, and unwavering commitment. By aligning marital bonds with the divine example set forth by Jesus Christ, the aim is to cultivate marriages that are resilient, enduring, and firmly rooted in Christ’s love.

God’s Manifestation after the prayers and intercession

The impact of this dedicated time of fasting and prayer has been nothing short of miraculous. Testimonies abound of marriages being healed, divorces averted, and joy restored among spouses. Moreover, couples grappling with infertility and impotence have found solace in the divine intervention. They  experiencing newfound hope and blessings beyond measure.

These tangible manifestations of God’s grace serve as powerful testimonies to the fervent prayer and unwavering faith. As the Disciples’ Network Ministry continues to fervently intercede on behalf of marriages and families, there is an unwavering belief that God will continue to perform miracles and bring about profound transformation in the lives of spouses and families.


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