Disciples' Network

Think Act, Be Like Jesus.

Statement of Faith

Our Statement of Faith

Our statement of faith affirms that the original scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are without error, given by God’s inspiration and are the final authority for faith and life (2 Tim. 3:16-17).
We also believe in the only true God, the Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, through whom all things exist (1 Cor. 8:6). Jesus, the Word, became flesh, lived a sinless life, was baptized in water, and received the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God (Heb. 4:15, Mark 1:9-10). 

He preached repentance, the good news of the Kingdom of God, and performed many miracles, including healing the sick, casting out demons, raising the dead, and making disciples. He died on the cross to pay for our sins, was
buried, rose again, ascended to heaven, and sent the Holy Spirit to the earth (Matt. 1:21, 1 Thes 4:14, John 3:13, 1 Pet.1:12).

We believe that those who receive the Holy Spirit and live by Him, form the body of Christ and continue His work (1 Cor. 12:27, Eph. 4:12). We affirm that God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit are immutable and the same yesterday, today, and forever (Jam. 1:17, Heb. 13:8, 1 John 5:7). Faith in God involves obedience, not just acknowledging His existence (Jam. 2:26, John 14:21).
To enter the promised Kingdom of God and receive eternal life, one must be born again, repent from all sins, be baptized in water in the Name of Jesus Christ, receive the Holy Spirit, and continue living by faith until the end (Acts 2:38, Matt. 7:21).

Repentance is a change of mind and a turning away from sin, prompted by God’s goodness and done in faith, as the first step in the new life (Rom. 2:4). We believe that the simple disciple life of the first Christians, who followed Christ instead of religious traditions, is practical and possible for today’s believers.

Our statement of faith declares that water baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ is a crucial part of being born again. It represents burial with Christ and the washing away of sins by His blood. We believe that true baptism into Christ is only valid after repentance and faith in Jesus, as stated in Romans 6:3-10, Acts 2:38, and Acts 22:16.
We also believe that God promises to give us His Holy Spirit after we have repented, believed, and been baptized into Christ. This can be received through the laying on of hands or by simply asking for it

The Holy Spirit brings outward evidence of His presence, as demonstrated in Acts 8:14-18, Acts 10:44-48, and Acts 19:6.

We believe that only those who obey the gospel of Christ will be given an immortal and spiritual body at the resurrection and will enter the eternal Kingdom of God. All others will be punished and destroyed by God on the final judgment. This belief is based on 1 Corinthians 15:51-53 and Malachi 3:19-21.

The church, which Jesus Christ Himself is building, is not a denomination or a building, but all true disciples of Jesus Christ in the world, led by the Holy Spirit, and in fellowship with one another
wherever they are. This is based on Matthew 16:18 and Acts 1:13-14.
We are all called to be disciples of Jesus Christ, following Him and becoming more and more like Him. Jesus never used the word Christian& but referred to His followers as disciples. We believe that it is about learning from Jesus like an apprentice and doing the same things, even greater things than He did, as stated in John 15:8 and John 14:12.

Jesus Christ appoints apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, and teachers to equip the saints for the work of ministry and to build up the body of Christ, as stated in Ephesians 4:11-12.

Finally, we believe that Jesus Christ will return and take His bride, the church, and we will be with Him in His Kingdom for all eternity