Disciples' Network

Think Act, Be Like Jesus.

Discipleship Ministry

Discipleship Ministry

A disciple is someone who has four main characteristics which are LOAF- learn, obey, apply
and follow Jesus Christ.
Learn is to be intentional, take your time to do it. Obey comes from hearing, after you learnt
the word of God, he will speak to you and what you ought to do is obeying and apply the
word by following the footstep of Jesus.

In the gospels, we see Jesus calling people to follow him. “As Jesus walked beside the Sea of
Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were
fishermen. Come, follow me,” Jesus said Mark 1:16-17 NIV.
We need to build disciples who obey Jesus and follows his command and not teaching
people to become a believer of the religion, churches, and denominations.

The munificent (person of peace)

This is small acts of kindness and compassion from a loved one, friend or even a stranger
A munificent is any person not necessarily a born again who is used a contact person to help
for advancement of the gospel.

In the bible, these are expressed as person of peace,
generous, the Centurion (Luke7:1–10), the Samaritan Woman (John 4:1–30), the Ethiopian
Eunuch (Acts 8:26–40), Cornelius (Acts10:9–11:1), Lydia (Acts 16:13–15), and the Philippian
Jailer (Acts16:22–38) to mention few. Psalm 112:5 (Good will come to those who are
generous and lend freely. And we believe that they will be rewarded with good.

Would you like to be part of the team?

“If they hear and serve Him, They will end their days in prosperity And their years in pleasures.” – Job 36:11