Disciples' Network

Think Act, Be Like Jesus.

Prayer Ministry

Prayer Ministry

Prayer is essential to our mission as we answer God’s call to the Great Commission nations
(Matthew 28:19). When we pray God works through us and when we do not pray, we work
alone. Some of the prayer points are:

  1. Holiness;
    As believers everywhere, we will live holy lives pleasing God. Romans 12:1-2
  2. Christ’s mind;
    May our hearts be one with God’s and our minds be increasingly like His.
  3. Multiplication;
    God will lead us to people we can show how to walk with God, multiply our lives into
    their lives and they, in turn, might do the same with others. 2 Timothy 2:2:
  4. Join the movement:
    Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest field Luke 10:2

Would you like to be part of the team?

“If they hear and serve Him, They will end their days in prosperity And their years in pleasures.” – Job 36:11