Disciples' Network

Think Act, Be Like Jesus.

Wedding Ceremony: Celebrating the Holy Union of Clauds and Flora

Disciples' Network
Disciples’ Network

With hearts brimming with immeasurable joy, we lift our voices in praise and gratitude to the Almighty God for the glorious wedding ceremony of our beloved members, Clauds and Flora. This sacred union took place in the enchanting city of Arusha on the blissful Saturday of December 16, 2023, marking a momentous occasion in the history of the Disciples Network.

A Union Blessed by God:

Disciples' Network
Disciples’ Network

Drawinginspiration from the words of Matthew 19:4-6, which declare, “He who created them from the beginning made them male and female… So they are no longer two but one flesh,” the wedding ceremony beautifully echoed the biblical teachings. In the presence of family, friends, and the divine, Clauds and Flora became united as one, affirming their commitment to journey through life together.

The Celebration of Love

Disciples' Network
Disciples’ Network

The wedding ceremony was a celebration of love, commitment, and the divine covenant that binds two souls together. Amidst the beautiful backdrop of Arusha, the couple exchanged vows, symbolizing their dedication to supporting and cherishing each other in the journey ahead. The atmosphere was filled with love, laughter, and the joyous melodies of celebration, creating memories that will be cherished for a lifetime.

A Blessing for the Future:

As we rejoice in the union of  Clauds and Flora,, we also extend our prayers and blessings for their future together. May their marriage be a testament to the enduring power of love and the divine guidance that accompanies those who seek to build their lives on the foundation of faith.

The wedding of Clauds and Flora is not just a celebration of their love but also a significant milestone for the Disciples Network. In the spirit of unity and fellowship, we thank God for this joyous occasion and look forward to many more weddings that will strengthen the bonds of love and community within our organization. May the newlyweds be blessed abundantly as they embark on this beautiful journey of marital bliss, guided by the everlasting love of our Almighty God.